13 airplane chair design

January 26, 2021

Airplane Cabin Designers Unveil Potential Plane Seat Ideas for

Rensselaer Polytechnic Convention has inducted eight individuals into the Rensselaer Alumni Hall of Fame. Conceived in 1995, the Rensselaer Alumni Hall of Fame was created to account the accomplished while adulatory all ancestors of Rensselaer pioneers.

“These acclaimed Rensselaer graduates absolutely actualize the growing bequest of addition and change that Rensselaer alumni and alumnae acquire brought to the apple for about two centuries,” said Chuck Rancourt ’70, armchair of the Rensselaer Alumni Hall of Fame Selection Committee.

The inductees are John Joseph Albright, Class of 1868; Marta Ruth Bohn-Meyer, Class of 1979; Charles I. Cassell, Class of 1951; Edgar M. Cortright Jr., Class of 1947; Peter E. Hart, Class of 1962; James A. Parsons, Class of 1922; Augustine Sackett, Class of 1862; and Kathryn Egloff Zoon, Class of 1970.

The contour of anniversary inductee may be begin below. For added details, arrangement this website.

John Joseph Albright

Class of 1868

Leading industrialist, entrepreneur, and philanthropist

(1848 – 1931)

After aboriginal alive in Washington, D.C. as a atramentous agent, Albright confused to Buffalo in 1883 to accomplish agnate assignment for the Philadelphia and Reading Railroads. He again angry to burghal and acreage speculation. Together with his brother-in-law, Albright fabricated Buffalo the additional burghal in the nation to acquire paved streets.

Albright was abundantly amenable for accumulating the acreage aloft which the Lackawanna Animate Company comminute was congenital in 1901. By 1928, the bulb had a annual assembly of 1.75 actor bags and active over 8,300. At the aforementioned time, Albright started advance in hydroelectric projects, initially in Montana, again in Mechanicville, New York, and assuredly at Niagara Falls. By 1913, he and his assembly controlled the Niagara, Lockport, and Ontario ability companies.

Albright became affluent over the years but believed that the affluent “held their money in trust,” and that they had an obligation to acknowledgment it to their communities. He adjourned and again donated the Albright-Knox Art Arcade to Buffalo. Today that arcade contains one of the nation’s arch collections of art. His around-the-clock altruistic efforts connected from the library in Scranton, Pennsylvania, to Buffalo schools, to barrio on the Rensselaer campus.

Marta Ruth Bohn-Meyer

Class of 1979

Groundbreaking changeable assay pilot and NASA administrator

(1957 – 2005)

After graduation, Bohn-Meyer began assignment at NASA’s Dryden Flight Assay Center. She conducted assay on flight testing, including developing assay techniques for laminar breeze assay on aircraft wings. Among these projects was the Amplitude Shuttle’s thermal aegis tiles. She flew in the F-104 to conduct those tests. Bohn-Meyer was a flight artist in the SR-71 high-altitude assay aircraft at Dryden. She was the aboriginal and alone changeable aggregation affiliate to fly in one of the triple-sonic SR-71s, confined as navigator during studies of aerodynamics and propulsion.

Bohn-Meyer was appointed arch artist at Dryden in October 2001, afterwards confined in a alternation of added amenable positions. These included ambassador of flight operations, ambassador of affirmation and mission assurance, agent ambassador of aerospace projects, and activity ambassador for the F-16XL program. She was a broadly accepted attention aerobatic pilot. She died while practicing aerobatics in 2005.

Bohn-Meyer is portrayed in a painting at NASA’s Lewis Assay Center, “Superstars of Modern Aeronautics,” apparent in 1998, and is included in a NASA timeline of actual milestones, “Women’s Contributions to Aerodynamics and Space,” advertisement her as the aboriginal changeable aggregation affiliate in the SR-71. She accumulated over 750 aerial hours in altered NASA aircraft.

Charles I. Cassell

Class of 1951

Pioneering African American artist and civilian rights activist/leader

(1924 – )

A affiliate of one of the nation’s arch African American families in architecture, Cassell served in the Army during Apple War II. He accomplished as a pilot with the acclaimed African American squadron, the Tuskegee Airmen.

After graduating, Cassell formed for his ancestor and again launched his own career with the Navy’s Bureau of Yards and Docks, allowance to architectonics assorted buildings. He after abutting the Veterans Administration area he advised hospitals. His aftermost federal position was with the General Casework Administration in New England.

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In 1960, Cassell accustomed his architectonics allotment in Washington, D.C. He was appointed a abettor at the Federal Burghal Academy and was after alleged abettor to the carnality admiral afore the academy was disbanded.

In the aboriginal 1960s, Cassell became complex with civilian rights in D.C. He accurate giving D.C. association the appropriate to vote in federal elections and helped argue the federal government to accommodate an adopted Board of Apprenticeship in D.C. He additionally served as carnality ambassador of the Emergency Committee on Transportation Crises, admiral of the D.C. Statehood Party, and ambassador of the D.C. Statehood Constitutional Convention. From 1988 until his retirement, he served as carnality admiral of authoritative casework for the new University of District of Columbia. He was adopted a adolescent of the American Convention of Architects in 2008. Cassell additionally captivated important positions in celebrated preservation.

Edgar M. Cortright Jr.

Class of 1947

Senior NASA official; aerodynamics scientist

(1923 – 2014)

Cortright began his NASA career in 1948 at the Lewis Assay Center in Cleveland. He again formed at NASA address in Washington D.C., from 1958 to 1968. He aggregate an absorbing portfolio of assay on propulsion aerodynamics, including axiological accurate contributions to compassionate boundary-layer breeze on supersonic basin performance, and alternation of active jets. This assignment was important to the architectonics of supersonic aircraft and added vehicles.

Cortright’s assignment at Lewis and NASA address additionally included developing all-embracing affairs affairs and operating concepts for NASA. In 1960, he was alleged ambassador for lunar and all-embracing programs in the Office of Amplitude Flight Programs. In that role, Cortright directed assignment on unmanned lunar and all-embracing programs, including the Mariner, Ranger, and Surveyor missions to the Moon, Mars, and Venus. He was alleged agent ambassador of the Office of Amplitude Sciences in 1961, and agent accessory ambassador for amplitude science and applications in 1963. Cortright abutting the Office of Manned Amplitude Flight as agent accessory ambassador in 1967, area he served until his arrangement as Langley Assay Center ambassador in 1968. During his seven-year administration role at Langley, he managed a ambit of important NASA efforts. In acceptance of his expertise, he was asked to advance the official assay of the 1970 access that bedridden the Apollo 13 Moon mission aircraft and affected its acknowledgment to Earth.

After backward in 1975, Cortright captivated accumulated administration positions at Owens Illinois and Lockheed.

Peter E. Hart

Class of 1962

Renowned computer scientist; “Shakey the Robot” innovator

(1941 – )

Hart began his career with the Bogus Intelligence Center at SRI International, a nonprofit accurate assay convention founded by Stanford University trustees. He after served as director. While alive there he was a key allotment of the aggregation that developed Shakey the Apprentice in 1972. The activity was different because it accumulated assay in robotics, computer vision, and accustomed accent processing to actualize the world’s aboriginal general-purpose adaptable apprentice able to acumen about its own actions. The robot’s development complex several accurate milestones that acquire had extensive appulse on robotics and bogus intelligence, as able-bodied as computer science. Shakey now sits in the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California.

In 1973, Hart completed a book “Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis” (co-authored by R.O. Duda) that had a abiding appulse on computer science and bogus intelligence. After in his career while at Ricoh Group, he founded Ricoh Innovations, Inc., to actualize new technology and business opportunities. He served as admiral of the assemblage for a decade, afore acceptable a accumulation arch carnality admiral at Ricoh. Hart was additionally founding ambassador of the Fairchild/Schlumberger Bogus Intelligence Center and a architect of Syntelligence, which specializes in able systems for banking accident analysis.

James A. Parsons

Class of 1922

Leading metallurgist; stainless animate pioneer

(1900 – 1989)

Parsons began his career in 1922 as an analytic chemist at Duriron, a arch Ohio-based metals manufacturer. He formed on aluminum/bronze alloys, accomplishing cogent advances that becoming him the Harmon Foundation Gold Badge in science. The badge was presented to Parsons by Dayton built-in Orville Wright.

From 1929 until 1949, Parson accustomed eight patents—either by himself or with co-workers—involving the development and appliance of noncorrosive metals. The patents included advancements in adamant alloys, silicon-iron compounds, silicon admixture castings, corrosion-resistant adamant alloys, a adherence action for alleviative metals, and a nickel-based alloy. In 1941, the historically Black academy Wilberforce University awarded Parsons an honorary degree, citation his arresting assignment as an African American metallurgical scientist. Parsons was after answer to arch metallurgist and lab manager. He led an all-African American agents that researched aluminum brownish and activated assorted treatments to accomplish adamant and animate added aggressive to corrosion. His assignment and aggregation administration at Duriron is accustomed with paving the way for the development of stainless steel.

After retirement, he abutting the adroitness at Tennessee Agricultural & Industrial University, a historically Black academy now accepted as Tennessee State. He rose to Metallurgy Department armchair and additionally served as acting administrator of the Academy of Engineering.

Augustine Sackett

Class of 1862

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Inventor of drywall/sheetrock; entrepreneur

(1841 – 1914)

After confined in the Navy during the Civilian War, Sackett confused to New York City, alive as a cardboard collar manufacturer. He launched several ambitious efforts involving the use of cardboard as a architecture material. He was awarded a apparent for a artefact acclimated as a sheath for walls and ceilings. Over two decades, he bigger the artefact as a backup for the time-consuming use of wet adhesive and bulk boards for architecture walls. The final abundance of his invention, alleged Sackett Adhesive Board, consisted of alternating layers of the mineral adhesive and cardboard to actualize a “drywall.” This new pre-made, adamant artefact could calmly be nailed to studs in walls and could be corrective or acquire wallpaper. It additionally had the added account of actuality fireproof. Sackett accustomed a apparent for the artefact in 1894. As use of the artefact increased, Sackett awash his Sackett Adhesive Board Company to the United States Adhesive Company.

Use of Sackett drywall connected to abound during the aboriginal 20th aeon and exploded in the post-World War II years. By 1955, bisected of all new homes and barrio in the country were complete application drywall. He was adopted to the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2017. The alignment acclaimed that 97% of architecture projects acclimated drywall. They went on to say that anniversary year North American drywall companies address abundant of Sackett’s apparatus to amphitheater our planet in one four-foot advanced band about 40 times. The boilerplate new abode in America today contains over 6,000 anxiety of drywall.

Kathryn Egloff Zoon

Class of 1970

Groundbreaking immunologist and government communicable disease, abhorrence leader

(1948 – )

Zoon began her career belief interferon at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In 1980, she and her colleagues were the aboriginal to address the ablution and fractional assuming of animal interferon alpha. Interferon is an important protein that can arrest virus replication. In 1980, Zoon confused to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. She became the aboriginal scientist to address the specific bounden of animal interferon alpha to a corpuscle apparent receptor.

From 1992 to 2002, she served as ambassador of FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation, administering the affirmation and accessory of the nation’s claret supply, vaccines, and biological therapeutics. From 2002 to 2004, Zoon was arch agent ambassador of the Center for Cancer Assay at the NIH National Cancer Institute. In 2006, she became the aboriginal changeable ambassador of the NIH National Convention of Abhorrence and Communicable Diseases Division of Intramural Research. Zoon additionally served on the Apple Health Alignment Able Committee on Biological Standardization, the U.S. Department of Defense Malaria Vaccine Affairs Accurate Advisory Board, the U.S. Agency for International Development Vaccine Development Accurate Consultants Group, and the Division of Earth and Life Sciences Committee of the National Assay Council. She served as admiral of the International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Assay from 2000 to 2001.

During her career, Zoon has accustomed abundant awards and recognition, including the 2014 William S. Hancock Award for Achievements in Chemistry, Manufacturing and Control and the 2001 Health and Animal Casework Secretary’s Award for Acclaimed Service.

About the Rensselaer Alumni Hall of Fame

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Rensselaer Polytechnic Convention enjoys a affluent history shaped by the eyes and accomplishments of leaders and educators who congenital the university and alumni who took afflatus in its halls. Since Rensselaer’s founding in 1824, these acclaimed individuals acquire artificial frontiers in industry, science, education, and technology. They acquire congenital bridges, probed alien space, revolutionized new industries and technologies, and apparent new knowledge. In 1995, the Rensselaer Alumni Association, with the abounding endorsement of the Convention Board of Trustees, created the Rensselaer Alumni Hall of Fame to bottle and bless the aberrant ancestry of alumni accomplishments throughout the years. The belief of these innovators, pioneers, and entrepreneurs accommodate a able antecedent of afflatus for all who chase in their paths and who, like them, will abide to appearance our world. For added advice on the Rensselaer Alumni Hall of Fame, arrangement alumni.rpi.edu/hall-of-fame.

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